A Bulletin of Glad Tidings
From 9th to 10th July, the 7th Primary and Secondary School Young Teachers’ Teaching Competition co-sponsored by the Federation of Trade Unions of Anqing City and the Municipal Education and Sports Bureau came to a successful conclusion in Taihu Experimental Middle School.
To be concrete, our school's teachers Cheng Qian, Wu Jijie, Wang Yue and Wu Jimei participated in the competition. After two days of fierce competition, our teachers showcased their excellent basic skills and incredible professional quality, achieving satisfactory results. Specifically, teacher Wu Jijie won the grand prize and the title of 'Top Ten Young Teachers in Anqing City'; Teachers Wang Yue and Wu Jiamei won the first prizes respectively and the title of 'Anqing Outstanding Young Teachers'; In addition, teacher Cheng Qian obtained the third prize and our school won the 'Excellent Organization Award'.
In summary, the achievement of amazing results is the concentrated display of the participating teachers' personal ability and professional quality, reflecting that our school has attached great importance to the training and development of young teachers over the years, which also actively builds a platform for teaching exchange and display. Moreover, in the future, our school shall further focus on the fundamental task of ‘moral cultivation’ and solidly promote the reform and development of education and teaching, adhere to the concept of ‘promoting teaching through competition and integrating competition with teaching’, and take teachers' teaching competition as an opportunity to guide teachers to devote themselves to teaching, thus enhancing their teaching ability. More remarkably, we should cultivate a group of young teaching team with excellent teaching quality, fine teaching skills and high teaching level to contribute our strength to promoting the development of education and teaching level as well as talent training in our city.